
FamilyFarms Internship Program

FamilyFarms Charities Internship Program    FamilyFarms Charities has a new internship program. We will be providing up to $500 per month for up to 3 months for up to 5 different farms willing to host interns on their farm. If you are a host farming wanting to host an intern complete the application

FamilyFarms Charities 2018 Scholarships

  FamilyFarms Charities is providing 4 scholarships this year. All applications must be postmarked or emailed by March 16, 2018. For questions please email mmellendorf@familyfarmsgroup.com The Ag-Career Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship provided to an outstanding student pursing a career in agriculture by attending a 4 year degree. To Download The Ag Career Scholarship

Virtual Food Drive

Join FamilyFarms Charities in supporting the San Antonio Food Bank through our virtual food drive! http://vad.aidmatrix.org/vadxml.cfm?driveid=7816

Steak for a Good Cause

Free Range Quest is supporting FamilyFarms Charities by taking the Big Texan Steak Ranch Challenge. All funds raised will go to support FamilyFarms Charities! Check it out: http://freerangequest.wordpress.com/2013/12/31/today-is-the-day-steak-for-a-good-cause/

Trivia Night

Some have said FamilyFarms Group Teams and staff are highly competitive. They are correct. If there was ever any doubt about that, it was put to rest during the hotly contested trivia match. With 10 categories ranging from “What Network is it on?” to “FamilyFarms Group Trivia,” and ten questions in each category, Laura Cornille-Cannady

2013 Scholarship Winners Announced

FamilyFarms Charities has awarded two $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors planning to pursue college training in fields related to agriculture. Scholarship recipients were selected from applicants across the U.S. on the basis of answers to essay questions, community leadership and involvement, GPA, ACT/SAT scores, and career plans. Cari Beth Halk of Greenbrier, Arkansas